My point was Flash is not going away anytime soon and people calling for its death are doing so prematurely.
Behind them, the crowd surged forward dangerously, calling for Paladyr's death.
Their entry caused an uproar as some of the men called for his death and others proclaimed him a hero.
"Evil is the need that calls for his death."
Drizzt nodded, resigned to the logic that would call for his death.
Temellin, when he believed the sacrifice was necessary and others called for my death, as they most certainly would?
The ambassador traveling in Moulmein was an example; no one had called for his death.
A rap song, played on some local radio stations, calls for her death.
Because a fatwa was issued which called for his death, he felt he had to live outside of Algeria.
Yet this does not justify mobs calling for her death.