Letters and calls have flooded in from health centres and individual women, queries and support from MPs urged on by anxious constituents and reports that all around the country women are meeting and organising.
More than 400 calls flooded the group's lines in January, and that number has already been topped in February, Ms. Weathers said.
For the last few weeks, calls have flooded consulting houses, including at BIA Financial Network, the Chantilly, Va.-based national media consulting firm.
But on Sept. 11, the calls flooded in the opposite direction from his relatives to his two Midtown Manhattan restaurants, Villa Berulia and Trio.
With this reward posted, too many crazy calls have been flooding in.
More than 3,000 calls flooded the 911 system in the first 18 minutes, and more than 57,000 in the 24 hours after the first plane hit the north tower.
As Morrison predicted, the calls flooded in within minutes of the airings.
When we all stopped giggling about the unintentional call for images of female genitalia flooding the VERSUS inbox, we realized that VERSUS was actually asking for viewers to flash and peace-sign-like "V".
Outraged calls flooded Independence National Historical Park, and Park Service officials hastily called a press conference to deny that the bell had been sold.
So many calls flooded into the Tobu Middle School, which Kiyoteru Okouchi attended, that the school disconnected its phone.