The wealthier middle-class residents, often white, continued to move out to the suburbs in what became called white flight.
They call this fight or flight.
Most notably, the technology for what we would call incandescent lighting, radio, television, heavier-than-air flight, and even virtual reality has been developed, albeit secretly.
Proponents argue that this concept, called free flight, would save time for passengers and money for airlines by easing delays.
Some locals resisted these changes and left the area in the process sometimes called "urban flight", further reducing the number the number of active parishioners.
Planes flying into mountains, called "controlled flight into terrain," account for about one-quarter of worldwide commercial air accidents, according to recent Government reports.
This is called white flight.
However, during the 1980s the neighborhood had changed due to a phenomenon sometimes called white flight and had become primarily African-American.
Secondly, Detroit underwent a demographic shift called white flight that began in the 1950s.
Vulpin would call it flight from prosecution and a confession of guilt.