Papain contains substances called enzymes that help break down proteins.
Your entire body chemistry also depends on their use (they're called "enzymes" in the body).
The enzyme which catalyse chemical reactions again and again are called regulatory enzymes.
Inside fruits are proteins called 'enzymes' that break down the fruit.
Protein molecules called enzymes are machines in the sense that each one causes a particular chemical reaction to take place.
Nano technology The key to the recent breakthroughs has been our understanding of rather special biological molecules called enzymes.
The "E" end is designed to fit into locks on certain specific chemicals called enzymes, which hormones often encounter in their travels.
The cells in the liver contain proteins called enzymes that drive these chemical reactions.
Alcohol is broken down by the chemicals called enzymes in the liver through which blood circulates once every four minutes.
Proteins that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions are called enzymes.