They are credited as being among the first bands to fuse hardcore punk with thrash metal into a style sometimes called crossover thrash.
Yet these projects - call them highbrow crossover - tend to be dead ends.
Instead, paired chromosomes exchange parallel pieces of DNA, a process called chromosomal crossover, prior to being passed on to the next generation.
"Fonzworth is the future of what we call crossover," Hilfiger says.
Concordia, with its programs of classical and jazz standards, caught the wave of what was then starting to be called crossover.
What is called "crossover" in American and European music, and is rarely an artistic success, is taken for granted in the Arab sphere.
The attempt to meld it with popular culture, which we call crossover, certainly doesn't work: what actually cross over are only a format and a desperate desire to please.
Over the 20th century, the invention of sound recording, low-cost international air travel and common access to global communication among artists and the general public has given rise to a related phenomenon called "crossover" music.
This is called passive line-level crossover.
The Honda CR-V is a compact SUV (now called crossover in North America), manufactured since 1995 by Honda.