But rather than a cohesive movement, those who, like Judge Thomas, are called black conservatives are a diverse group.
As these factions have multiplied, more people have come to call themselves conservatives because they've found one faction to agree with.
Other scholars prefer calling them simply "The Right" or "conservatives", which is what they call themselves.
Karl Rove, the president's top political adviser, started calling influential social conservatives to reassure them about the pick even before it was announced.
This bullying Federal intrusion -what else can you call it, conservatives?
They call for a strong state, with strong traditional values, and as such they can be called conservatives.
Further, it said, of the 92 guests interviewed on the program, in total, 71 percent were what it called "avowed conservatives."
"I understand that your Tories are calling themselves compassionate conservatives," he said to laughter.
The difference is that we'd normally have one purist in the race and a couple of other Republicans who might call themselves conservatives.
"There are plenty of people glad to call themselves conservatives," he said, "who don't see any reason not to support stem cell research."