En route, she called at Pearl Harbor and then arrived in San Francisco on 5 October.
She called briefly at Pearl Harbor before arriving back in San Diego on 13 December 1983.
She called at Pearl Harbor and then headed, via Saipan, to Japan.
As soon as the Japanese had left, Janders called security at Pearl Harbor.
She called at Pearl Harbor on 13 July and entered San Francisco Bay on the 19th.
She called at Pearl Harbor from 27 to 29 October and then continued to Panama.
They then called at Pearl Harbor before returning to Long Beach on 9 October 1956.
In March 1947, she deployed again, calling at Pearl Harbor and Sydney, Australia.
One month later, she called at Pearl Harbor for a few days and then continued sailing west on a simulated war patrol.
After calling at Pearl Harbor, she continued on to the United States.