Both said they distributed tickets and called friends and associates to encourage them to attend.
Many of the 580 employees, whom Wal-Mart prefers to call associates, are wearing yellow ribbons to work.
The employees, called associates, would work side by side with managers.
There were two classes of membership: the working class girls, known as members, and the ladies, called associates.
All employees are called associates and part of their salary is based on an incentive program.
The police later found that the terrorists had called associates in Kazakhstan.
The science advisers receive somewhat less than the $80,000 paid new lawyers called associates, but more than most scientific researchers.
He was a loner who sometimes called executives or associates at 2 or 3 in the morning to chat.
As soon as we got home, we started calling our store workers "associates" instead of employees.
Words typically found in the same texts as a key word are called associates.