The compounds, called heterocyclic amines, or H.C.A.'s, are produced from amino acids, the building blocks of protein.
Originally they were termed 'accessory foods factors' but is was then found that the first of these 'factors'belonged to a group of substances called amines.
This medication is an appetite suppressant and belongs to a class of drugs called sympathomimetic amines.
Bladder cancer has been linked to chemicals called aromatic amines.
Yeast extract e.g. marmite, some wines, vinegar and also cheese are all very rich in certain chemicals called amines, which trigger off a migraine headache in sensitive people.
Nitrate reacts with chemicals called amines which are present in our food to produce nitrosamines.
The company said the process makes it simpler to produce a large class of pharmaceutical compounds called amines.
Others have suggested that it is due to the presence of carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines, which are created in the cooking process.
To do that, you take a lot of identical molecules called amines and join them together to form a chain.
Nitrites combine with substances called amines, found naturally in some foods and in the stomach, to form carcinogens called nitrosamines.