Why call a search in the first place?
It should dissent from the common, constricted view of the world, leading students in what Bloom calls a "the search for the good life."
Since then, however, they have extended what they initially called a nationwide search into an international manhunt.
A simple database search will look for a string of characters, called a key-based search, and try to find a match.
"We'll do what we call a global search?"
"I'm not changing my position on abortion," said the man who once called amniocentesis a "search and destroy mission."
When he doesn't return by nightfall, his mother calls the police, setting in motion a search for her son that will last the duration of the book.
He is now working on a similar study of "Rebel Without a Cause," which he calls a search for family and community.
The SS camp commandant immediately called a major search, asking help from the local population.
Lispector's entire opus could be called a search for the real pig.