Susan has also been teaching about the power of song around the world for over 35 years in innovative classes called " Silence and Song".
Since retiring from all forms of cricket in 1995, Lamb has published his autobiography called Silence of the Lamb, which he released in 1996.
Samuel Miller Hageman wrote that, in 1876, in a poem called Silence.
Then the White Rabbit called out loudly, 'Silence!
Ours is a world of words: Quiet we call "Silence"- which is the merest word of all.
It's called "Uncomfortable Silence".
With It was thought, which is also called Grace and Silence.
Goossens wrote a piece called Silence for chorus and orchestra.
In a small town called Silence, a woman must summon up her psychic abilities to defeat a killer.
He began playing in a thrash metal band called Silence in the late 1980s.