I called Doc, and the passports, etc., are not ready.
I will call you Doctor or Doc and we will become pilgrims together toward better care and health.
Seven years of courtship ensued, and Tess became accustomed to how the man everyone called Doc helped those less fortunate.
And call Doc, we might as well check on your child impersonation theory.
Never play cards with a man called Doc.
Fresco incorporates a general management facility called Doc, which is structured like a word processor and includes a range of editing features.
A fake snitch calls Doc with some information but is cut off by a mock attack in another all-night drug store.
At that, another congregant, who is called Doc, stood up and said, "You should practice what you preach."
Regular television work followed, including material by Neil Simon, whom friends call Doc.
She could always head back home and call Doc.