In addition to his real estate dealings, he invested in a failing fast food chain called Country Star Restaurants.
What is now a development called Country Estates was the home of the Clarence Mackay family for 30 years starting in 1898.
Called locally "Amish Country", it draws many visitors to the county thus making tourism an important sector of the local economy.
They were manufactured and marketed by a new subsidiary of the company called Country Ware Corp.
Finally he reveals that he had them followed the whole trip by Tank and a newly returned soldier called Country.
He is also opening a new restaurant this summer, to be called Country, in the Carlton Hotel.
They recorded an album called Black Country in 2010.
He inherited his business from a man called Country.
It is part of the tracklist for Now That's What I Call Country.
Turner Publishing plans to produce a $50 companion book called "Indian Country."