Caught in the body by three heavy calibre bullets, Icke was sent spinning across the room to sprawl lifeless and face down in a corner.
Such was the skill she had acquired by much practice, she sent the .36 calibre bullet into the centre of the bounty hunter's forehead and killed him instantly.
It is also able to use several types of 59mm calibre bullets.
These kits allow the 5.56mm L98 A2 rifle to fire .22 calibre bullets, as many .22 calibre rifles are no longer in working condition.
It is essentially the older cartridge necked up to accept a larger calibre bullet, and delivers the same level of performance.
The .22 calibre bullet ricocheted off Stevens teeth before embedding itself in his tongue.
The leg in question was so badly shattered by three '38 calibre bullets that amputation was necessary.
Bullitt-Bartlett--bartlett pears full of small 22 or 33 calibre bullets.
When I have had to, I have never needed more than one -25 calibre bullet to kill.
The Baron was hit by a 0.303 calibre bullet which passed diagonally from right to left through his chest.