However, large caliber shells, such as the 32-pounder spherical were effective at breaching entrenchments.
Arthur Hoover fired off the .22 and other caliber shells.
In addition, investigators also found .22 caliber shells and 13 lbs.
Defence was struck by several heavy caliber shells from the German dreadnoughts.
Another Soviet tank fired a large caliber shell, causing some nearby vehicles to explode.
In short succession, the German dreadnoughts hit Defence with several heavy caliber shells.
During the course of the battle, Derfflinger was hit 17 times by heavy caliber shells and nine times by secondary guns.
On 27 April, a small caliber shell penetrated a fuel oil tank five feet below the waterline.
Mason reached out, grabbed the boy's left hand, pushed the fingers open before young Basset could define his intentions, disclosed several more .38 caliber shells.