Not all Connecticut high schools offer a calculus course, researchers said.
It is used in calculus courses, particularly those with a pure mathematics emphasis, at many universities.
Of those students, thirteen located at seven local schools were invited to take the computer-based calculus course during the subsequent school year, 1990-91.
At the same time, the calculus course was expanded to include the material necessary for the BC examination.
It's a real opportunity, but it means that the calculus course will have to change.
In a regular calculus course, students would study trigonometric functions.
In some cases (especially in calculus courses) they are required.
One of Smith's duties was teaching an introductory calculus course for which he received much acclaim from students.
He took his first calculus course when he was a sophomore in college.
My interest in non-standard analysis is that attempts are being made to introduce it into calculus courses.