The calculation relies on the fact that fluid will pass through the critical depth of the flow regime in the vicinity of the crest of the weir.
According to Jeffress, this calculation relies on delay lines: neurons in the superior olive which accept innervation from each ear with different connecting axon lengths.
Earlier calculations that put the magnitude at 9.0 relied on seismic data that recorded oscillations up to five minutes long.
However, calculations within congested networks are more complex and rely more on empirical studies and extrapolations from actual road counts.
As mentioned earlier, calculation and justification of choice probabilities rely on the properties of the error (i.e. the unobservables) distribution function the researcher specifies.
Although I do not know which web site you are looking at, typically those calculations are very general and rely on many broad assumptions.
Our calculations about that early universe rely on those numbers having been the same; if they used to be different, we don't know what numbers to put into the calculations.
In the case that valuation is undertaken indirectly, there is a possibility that calculations may rely on speculation or hypothetical assumptions.
That calculation relies more heavily on the price of oil and the reactor's reliability.
However, this calculation relies on a number of additional assumptions.