The new calculations do not change the overall count of Latinos.
As new information is made available and plugged into the spreadsheet, the calculation may change several times leading up to a company's actual earnings release.
Some calculations change depending on the space that the points are scattered in (as is mentioned above), but the general assumptions and outcomes still hold.
However, from 1 February 2011, this calculation will change slightly.
What has happened, though, he said, is that the calculation of risk itself has changed.
Isaac Newton's calculations changed the way people understood the universe.
Still, despite the gravity of a reported nuclear test, the calculations and interests that have led each country on its respective path have changed little.
That calculation will change, of course, if a second justice, also chose to leave the court, creating a different situation.
But in this final week, the calculation has changed.
But even more significantly, the economic calculation is changing almost daily.