Note that this formula suffers from the same loss of significance as the formula for variance if used for calculating estimates of the covariance.
Discussion Our analysis has demonstrated that it is viable to calculate central estimates for the public health benefits associated with reduced residential energy consumption, making use of previous dispersion models and epidemiological studies.
The Kalman filter calculates estimates of the true values of states recursively over time using incoming measurements and a mathematical process model.
Similarly, recursive Bayesian estimation calculates estimates of an unknown probability density function (PDF) recursively over time using incoming measurements and a mathematical process model.
Data from this ongoing surveillance system can be used to calculate weighted national estimates of nonfatal injuries.
In clinical context, mathematically calculated estimates of LDL-C are commonly used to estimate how much low density lipoproteins are driving progression of atherosclerosis.
Based on the area of a femur cross-section, MacPhee calculated estimates of body mass.
Accumulated ADE reports should not be used to calculate incidence rates or estimates of drug risk, because there is no accurate way to determine how many animals were given the drug.
Statistical techniques such as optimization by Maximum Likelihood can be used to calculate estimates of the parameters.
Sampling weights are provided for calculating national estimates of the number of hospitalizations for specific cardiovascular procedures.