BIP-8 consists of a parity byte calculated bit-wise across a large number of bytes in a transmission transport frame.
Use this to calculate the area across the pickle.
He had used these measurements, in a manner that was unfathomable to Nefer, to calculate the range across the chasm.
These equations are for calculating the voltage across the capacitor and resistor respectively while the capacitor is charging; for discharging, the equations are vice-versa.
Strainer pressure drop calculator Calculate pressure drop across a strainer.
The Nernst equation has a physiological application when used to calculate the potential of an ion of charge z across a membrane.
Ufimtsev demonstrated that he could calculate the radar cross-section across a wing's surface and along its edge.
From this, nursing managers can calculate the peak periods across the whole unit and also identify times for which it would be beneficial to employ part-time staff.
The measures or the methods of calculating damages across the European Union differ vastly.
Tebis Automill technology, which allows users to calculate milling paths across surfaces, was introduced in Version 2.1.