Metacritic calculated an average score of 68, based on 31 reviews.
Metacritic calculated an average score of 83, based on 15 reviews.
Metacritic calculated an average score of 67/100, based on 33 reviews.
Metacritic calculated an average score of 68/100 from 38 reviews.
Metacritic calculated an average score of 58/100, based on 38 reviews.
Metacritic calculated an average score of 62/100, based on 22 reviews.
The game calculates a score for the player at the end of the game.
By comparison, Metacritic calculated an average score of 77/100, based on 16 reviews.
By comparison Metacritic calculated an average score of 74/100, based on 13 reviews.
The second step is to test all possible rankings, calculate a score for each such ranking, and compare the scores.