But the ceiling looked as if it had been finished with cake frosting.
Makers of cake frosting, flavored coffee and ice cream say every new vanilla offering these days becomes an instant best seller.
The salad dressing, stir-fry oil and cake frosting were all made with olestra.
It looks a little like cake frosting and is just as easy to lick off the fingers.
Lick It - the giver is writing the word with his/her tongue using pink cake frosting.
He was alive, but a red-hot shell fragment had ripped through his helmet like a knife through cake frosting.
Crusty painterly surfaces call to mind stale cake frosting.
Even those depicting miniature gardens and starry skies seem squeezed from tubes of cake frosting.
These dyes used to color eggs and or cake frosting are "clear" but are intensely colored.
They should be eaten out of hand or used as the basis for cakes and cake frostings.