Many of the same decorations used by cake decorators are also used on cookies.
("I made friends with the cake decorator, and she would give me gingerbread all the time," the artist said.)
Misako Nishida, a 43-year-old homemaker and aspiring cake decorator, seems to be one of the few people who is spending liberally.
His father, George Charman, is noted as one of the country's finest cake decorators but his eldest son showed little interest in the family business.
"That's not a solution anymore," said Mrs. Peterschmidt, a cake decorator.
In this form, cake decorators are able to mold fondant into many different artistic expressions.
Outside of acting, Kell is an accomplished dancer and certified cake decorator.
Using different piping tips and various techniques, a cake decorator can make many different designs.
Christine Porter, 41, a cake decorator from Miller Place, walked around for four years with her front teeth missing.
Hilarity regularly ensues when the cake decorator misinterprets the customer's instructions.