These consist of large cages suspended in open water.
They had two of them, both green, in a cage suspended from the ceiling.
He died imprisoned in a cage suspended over water.
Ten years later, an extension inland to Kumara was opened, with the Taramakau River crossed by a cage suspended from a wire.
She was feeding a couple of canaries in a cage suspended over the railing.
Dominating the room was a gigantic cage suspended from the ceiling.
The decision was then made for a rematch to be held at Unforgiven, with Chyna restrained in a small cage, suspended from the ground.
A feature of each Gross-Out was a Plexiglass cage suspended from the ceiling over the main bar.
Seven other workers clung to the web of catwalks and debris until rescuers, who were lowered in a cage suspended from a crane, pulled them to safety.
The band intended to fast in a glass cage suspended above Times Square for 45 days, but in the end retired before 45 minutes.