There is also a cafe area in the bakery department.
In a number of scenes, the camera looks through a wall from the cafe area into Rick's office.
In the cafe area, there were newspapers available for people to read with their coffee.
Warm, welcoming, full of interesting books with a lovely cafe area.
But some residents worry about what might happen after hours, when the society rents out the cafe area to groups, typically corporate members.
The Interpol man drove on through the night, out of the gaudy cafe area, and into dark streets again.
Restaurants are setting up cafe areas to meet the demand for more casual dining.
Elizabeth Lank developed the concept creating a physical and mobile cafe area in the 1990s.
Individual pizzas ($4 to $5.25), baked to order to take out or eat in the cafe area, are excellent.
In addition to selling produce to the public, many wholesalers plan to set up cafe areas for serving food.