In fact everything looks bulky - the big old-fashioned television cameras rolling about with their cables trailing behind; even the lights (no miniature L.E.D.'s).
From the earliest Walkman to the latest fashion-accessory MP3 player, music on the go has generally meant cables trailing from ears to pocket or purse.
Those drak battlescreens were being powered independently, through cables trailing behind them and back up the tunnel.
The ship lunged forward sharply, the long bellied length of cable trailing astern.
Who had sat at a table for hours that way, with cables trailing from her head and arms?
I reached up and felt the driver's helmet wrapped around my head, with braided cables trailing from it.
Cables - don't leave cables trailing on the floor.
It led the way, its cable trailing smoothly behind it, and pulled a cover from the yard high object resting there.
Behind her was the X-ray camera on its high pivot, heavy cables trailing across the floor.
The door would now shut, despite the cables trailing over the floor.