The cable sagged far more than it should have.
Since the measuring cable may sag or be deflected by wind or gravity, the overall precision of a string potentiometer measurement is limited.
The cable sagged enough in the middle to put them in the river to their waists, and the current was strong, pulling them downstream, yet in less time than Rand expected they were hauling themselves over the slatted sides of the ferry.
The cable sagged further still.
The most notable design aspect of Murray-Latta chairlifts is the way the cable carrying the loaded chairs can sometimes sag as much as 10 feet below the unloaded cable during long gaps between support towers.
Electronic components hung, projected and bulged out on all sides; cables and wires looped and sagged in a profusion of electric spaghetti.
The cables sagged under the arch of the tunnel, and on them, tied by their tails into hairy clusters, hung hundreds upon hundred of dead rats, swaying in the draft.
At its center, the cable also sags a half inch more when the bridge is fully loaded than in 1984.
The cable sagged back over them and out of light range.
An installed cable must not sag so low that it can be damaged by traffic under the line.