According to a recent A. C. Nielsen study, cable penetration of American homes is now about 60 percent, meaning that a whopping 40 percent still do not have access to cable.
Coombs also served as Parliamentary advisor to the UK Cable Television Association, representing at the time the constituency with the highest cable penetration in the country.
The channel claims to be reaching more than 22.5 million homes nationwide with a cable penetration of over 87% in metro cities.
Roxtec's products are used for cable penetrations and to seal both metal and plastic pipes.
Nielsen Media Research said that national cable penetration was 48.7 percent as of February, a 4-point gain from a year earlier.
It would not be until the 1980s when cable penetration allowed WTVX to gain a Palm Beach audience.
The same applies to the Netherlands and Belgium, which both have high cable penetration.
Among the 4,000 households responding, the survey reports that cable penetration slipped to 62.8 percent in 1994 from 64.5 percent in 1993.
The C.A.B. estimates that cable penetration will top out by 1992 or 1993, with some 70 percent of the nation's homes wired.
This was mostly because many cable systems in the outer portions of the Detroit market did not carry it, and it took a long time for it get adequate cable penetration throughout the area.