An impressive array of performances by women brightens the cable movie week.
Budgets tend to be in the $2 million to $8 million range, "similar to those for many independent and cable movies."
One afternoon recently, Ms. Champion was on the phone trying to book an actress for a cable movie.
The film scored a 2.6 household rating, making it the highest-rated ad supported cable movie for the day.
The issue is especially acute for cable movies.
Gradually, though, the good cable movies are getting better.
It was the second highest rated cable movie of 1995, and in addition it sold over 60,000 home video units.
Mason knew of one local firm whose lobby had been used to film scenes for a cable movie based on a wildly popular legal thriller.
The TV was on, some cable movie, the agents saw.
On Friday he signed up for a cable movie in the room used by three of the girls.