Sign all decrees, except for decrees naming the prime minister and decrees accepting cabinet resignation or considering it retired.
It comes after a series of cabinet resignations this year prompted by disclosures that government contracts had been given to ministers' friends and contributors to the Liberal Party.
When Carter forced several cabinet resignations, Califano was among the dismissed.
Grandiose statements about how they are providing "stable government", followed by the instability of a cabinet resignation within 17 days.
What's more, Beneš refused to accept the cabinet resignations and ostensibly did not call for elections.
This was the first cabinet resignation and the fourth ruling family minister to be grilled.
There were some voices that called for cabinet resignation among the Estonian public as well.
Hees's leavetaking prompted no further cabinet resignations, but it left the Toronto wing of the Conservative party shattered and uncertain where to turn.
David Laws was the last to resign from the cabinet for expenses related issues, one year after the other cabinet resignations.
These provoked cabinet resignations, a split in the Liberal party and a Conservative election victory in July.