Fortunately for the former chancellor, his laissez-faire approach remained a secret until last month, emerging only in cabinet papers under the 30-year rule.
The paper, in my view,should also be leading on this but what do we get, endless stories about Thatcher and her government taken from the released cabinet papers.
Future governments may not be permitted to see the cabinet papers of their predecessors, if there has been a change of party.
The claims were made by Fraser in an interview to mark the release of the 1977 cabinet papers.
The Governor General kept up to date with cabinet papers and met every two weeks with her successive prime ministers.
A cabinet paper said the plan would generate 3,500 jobs and contribute 11.5 billion Ugandan shillings to the treasury.
Meanwhile, last week's release of 1981 cabinet papers has given another impetus to Thatcher revisionism.
Today's release of cabinet papers from 1981 show that Thatcher was not the Iron Lady she likes/liked to be thought.
It has, moreover, a cabinet paper, a comprehensive library specializing in art, a creative workshop, a covered, media room, a gallery and a spectacular sculpture garden.
Mr President, in my country secret cabinet papers are released 30 years after the discussions to which they refer took place.