On 21 May 2012, he was again appointed first deputy prime minister to the cabinet led by Medvedev.
These parties then formed a new cabinet led by Viveka Eriksson.
The cabinet, led by his uncle, a hard-liner opposing democratic change, would report to him, not the Parliament.
He served as the minister of public health and communications in the cabinet led by then prime minister Karami.
But he would not be drawn on whether David would serve in a cabinet led by his younger brother.
A liberal cabinet, led by Van Tienhoven was formed.
It continued to be part of the cabinet, now led by Jan de Quay.
He also served in the cabinet led by then prime minister Salim Hoss from 1998 to 2000.
The cabinets led by Marx also accepted the Dawes Plan.
The Radicals supported the progressive liberal cabinet led by Pierson, although they were not necessary for its majority.