For two weeks, demonstrations by local residents and unionists followed, with numerous arrests being made.
The Turning Point The strikers at times appeared stunned by what they said was a betrayal by fellow unionists.
For it was known and greatly deplored by male unionists, that the women's resistance movement did indeed have support from middle-class women's suffrage groups in Edinburgh.
Calling it "the crime of the century," the newspaper's owner Harrison Gray Otis blamed the bombing on the unions, a charge denied by unionists.
The Ulster Banner remains in use by unionists, a number of sporting organisations in Northern Ireland and some local government authorities under Unionist control.
Afterwards the council scoreboard stood at 16 controlled by unionists, six by nationalists and four mixed - representing a gain of one for nationalists.
Maga's patronage system required some cuts in the budget and this resulted in a freeze in wages which triggered a general strike by unionists and students in October 1963.
The bombing was widely condemned and attendance at Remembrance events, by both nationalists and unionists, rose in the following years.
This was primarily the result of labor strife (sabotage by disgruntled unionists) and strike mentality workforce at the Speke factory.
As with the city, its name is subject to the Derry/Londonderry name dispute, with the form "Londonderry" generally preferred by unionists and "Derry" by nationalists.