They were not disposed to lose both output and earnings by downing tools.
The virus can also be transmitted mechanically by tools and machinery.
This Metadata can then be leveraged by other tools, such as search and content management systems, in order to radically improve the findability of information.
The dead were cremated, accompanied by their weapons and tools.
"The seal in Tunnel Forty-three is under attack by tools."
They closely resemble marks made in similar material by sharp-edged tools during exercises in experimental archaeology.
Grooves in bones are hypothesized to be cuts by Neanderthal tools, not animal teeth.
Vygotsky viewed a child's interaction with the world as mediated by symbolic tools provided by the given culture.
Sometimes it is possible to "see" anagrams in words, unaided by tools, though the more letters involved the more difficult this becomes.
Automatic parallelization by compilers or tools is very difficult due to the following reasons: