His face is badly cut, his eyes masked by swollen tissue.
He added that he did not know what the medical examiner meant by scarred tissue.
They pump blood by elastic connective tissue, rather than muscle.
The specific absorption rate for radio waves by living tissue in the proposed wavelengths and intensity levels is very low.
While surgery usually does the job as promised by restructuring bones or tissue or welding them together, it may not fully abolish the pain.
At the time, it was painless and surrounded by healthy tissue.
He also introduced a mathematical model of the rate of heat production by human tissue as it relates to local blood flow.
The jagged edges of two great saws hinged together by massive muscle and tissue.
Trunk diameter 5 to 12 cm in diameter, with 20 to 25 ribs flattened obscured by tissue woolly.
Teeth form from the top down through the deposition of enamel on a cement core by formative soft tissue in the jaw.