They can be purified and isolated from other product activities by several techniques.
Even now, in our time, they're unique, created by techniques far beyond the general knowledge.
Several other shows were to follow, each one enhanced by new visual techniques.
The government managed the expansion of international trade by techniques such as the foreign exchange controls imposed in 1936.
In 1968, renewed interest was shown, sometimes prompted by newly available techniques.
We also might be able to temporarily increase your vision by certain techniques, at least for a week or two.
Although you can shrink a hall by various techniques, it is not ideal.
It may well be that speaker engineers are just now coming to terms with the changes in sound reproduction brought about by digital techniques.
On the other, they might be subject to attack by active techniques such as data alteration and substitution.
I was involved in an attempt to control mosquitoes by genetic techniques some 12 years ago.