The helmet is strapped to the leather suit by metallic tape.
Two piano pieces, each enhanced by recorded tape and delayed echo effect, seemed built on little else.
One flight down, to the mezzanine level, deposits you at Bar 39, identified as such by tape on the floor.
Here is how the new program will work: *Employers may file information by mail or magnetic tape.
He complied and started going through city channels to get his permit, only to become frustrated by red tape.
Paige was working for an environmental nonprofit, frustrated by the compromises and red tape.
News from distant lands came in by film and then video tape.
The Law cannot do the job, hamstrung and handcuffed by red tape, rules, regulations, books, court decisions.
The bag is filled though the open mouth and then closed by stitching, adhesive, or tape.
And gunning for the government: the pistol firm ruined by red tape.