The wilderness was striped occasionally by half-obscured dark streaks.
His face had been made hideous by long streaks about the eyes and mouth.
The eastern sky began to show a watery yellow light, barred by streaks of black cloud, and ahead rose the loom of the forest.
Lightened here and there by streaks of pinkish ochre.
The ground was red, but overlaid by streaks of yellow, brown, orange, green, deep black.
From a thousand feet the visibility was about five miles, uneven and much influenced by streaks of sunlight that came down occasionally through the patchy clouds.
All the normal circulation patterns of the atmosphere had vanished, replaced by great streaks and whorls of cloud that curved across the equator.
Overhead there was a sharp, eye-blurring silver-grayness marked by streaks and pinpoints of a black that almost edged over into purple.
The sky, visible through the big windows in one wall of the waiting lounge, was still dark, though touched by streaks of a cold, predawn light.
Dimly lit by small motes and streaks of sunshine from the blocked window, the stone walls of her gaol rose around her.