However, there may still be ways to reduce the risk e.g. by partial solutions, alternative measures etc.
It is constantly defeating itself by offering multiple opposing solutions.
Readers care about what we do and they want to help us meet our business travails by offering solutions.
Don't try to help him solve his problem by offering solutions.
Criticism is less meaningful when not accompanied by solutions, and there is no simple answer for slow play.
The paint is also resistant to damage and removal by decontaminating solutions.
In fifth place is the English "your," followed farther down the list by world, life, business, with, power, people, better, more, solutions and 13 more.
They work by generalising solutions derived from an iterative pattern recognition process, to 'train' themselves.
Transport by hydrothermal solutions usually requires a salt or other soluble species which can form a metal-bearing complex.
One of the new ways to achieve this is by solutions worked out by the Smart Growth Movement.