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You can learn a lot also from looking at photographs by good photographers.
Images by more than 50 photographers who worked in Germany during the 1920's and 30's.
There are articles by photographers about how they shot a story.
It includes some 70 prints by more than 30 photographers, from 1914 to the mid-60's.
The emphasis is on the environment, as interpreted by eight photographers.
The 119 works by 13 American photographers are mostly black and white and were taken from the early 1920's to the present.
"I'm interested in putting together broader groups of work by photographers, rather than just single images," he said.
More than a few galleries have been showing early work from the 1970s by well-known photographers.
There is also a smaller show of photographs on the same theme by professional photographers.
None of the photos in the exhibition are by famous photographers.