"But the fact he didn't shows he never felt threatened by sanctions."
But forcing him out by diplomatic means or economic sanctions runs less risk of renewed combat.
How could any sane man take on the West again after being smashed in the gulf war and strangled by international sanctions?
But the action should be to stop bad stuff getting onto the Internet in the first place, by effective legal sanctions.
What was wrong with the previous policy of grinding Iraq down by economic sanctions?
In order to be effective all limits require careful monitoring and serious enforcement backed up by adequate sanctions.
"Power is the ability to compel by force and sanctions," he said.
We must not bomb these people, who are already disadvantaged by sanctions, further into Saddam's hands.
Jordanian intelligence services are well aware of the worsening social and economic situation brought about by international sanctions against Iraq since the gulf war.
By human sanctions, and by laws divine, The terms are all agreed; the war is mine.