Despite efforts by proponents of regulation, the Government has not generally regulated the industry's business practices in recent years.
Those on the fence received 10, 20, 30 calls a day from Cabinet members and influential constituents rounded up by proponents of the accord.
A more likely strategy by proponents would be to include it in a comprehensive spending bill at the end of the year's legislative session.
Those images and more are the vision held out by proponents of what are called "intelligent transportation systems."
The elections typically attract media attention and involve campaigning by proponents of quite diverse candidates.
The victory by underfinanced proponents of gun controls is expected to fuel similar efforts in other states.
That is precisely the argument put forth by proponents of open markets.
There is a scramble to find money by proponents of financial support for advanced technologies development.
Twain's essay has been criticized as unfair and distorted by proponents of Cooper.
There was, however, considerable implicit complaint about his stewardship by both proponents and opponents of the measure.