But, as you know, our senior partner is a big fan of policy-making by precedent.
Since this position was novel and not clearly supported by precedent, the court turned to a supreme court case to find justification.
They are unfettered by precedent in the administration of justice.
This is supported by a number of academics, who do however consider it a matter for the common law to establish by precedent.
So we should choose by precedent, question all.
The Senate operates by precedent, trust and unanimous consent.
The Patricians have always set great store by precedent.
Except where prohibited by statute or judicial precedent, quasi-legislative activity may be challenged in a court of law.
Over the past 400 years, various rules have evolved by precedent to allow and manage renewal of motions under specific circumstances.
"A man who lives by precedent alone can, should he search, find justification for almost anything," Agathios said.