The longer version goes on to show Sand's attempts to see the dying Musset, and ends with her reading her letters to him by his tomb.
Soft airs and song, and the light and bloom, Should keep them lingering by my tomb.
Miracles were reported to have occurred by his tomb and a veneration cult emerged.
But on the day the lead singer of the Doors would have been 50, she crouched by his tomb, reading his poetry with tears in her eyes.
He does not want people to go by his tomb and snicker: "Look at this old man, he never made it to the big day!"
Ahmed Qurei, the Palestinian prime minister, led a group of other officials at midmorning to stand by Mr. Arafat's tomb.
Speakers at the microphone by Lenin's tomb led the crowd in chants of "Shame!
The episode ends with a contemporary young woman (Coleman) walking through the graveyard and pausing by Clara Oswin Oswald's tomb.
When he would get drunk he would go out and sit by his tomb and see ghosts.
Her path took her by Neral's tomb, an impressively carved statue etched with the secret name he had never shared with her.