He fell from a great height, but he never, by his signature, consented to any dismemberment of France.
By its thermal signature, it had been in place for at least six hours.
The work was delivered in 1522, as testified by Titian's signature in the lower right panel.
Skamlingsbanken then officially came under the association's ownership in 1854, following confirmation by the king's signature.
A second page includes a notice of additional witnesses by the state's attorney and acknowledged by Lincoln's signature.
If we turn our power off, it will track us by our thermal signature.
Alain stood by the picture and read the words of dedication by her father's signature.
I proposed to write the letter; authenticating it, of course, by his signature.
Mr. Matlock has received the original of this letter and so signifies by his signature below.
But this letter proved otherwise, by its contents as well as its signature.