On Tuesday, the pair were encouraged enough by Funny Cide's recovery to turn him loose for a very sharp half-mile workout.
Michael and Fresh came to him and told him how encouraged they were by his recovery.
Delighted by your speedy recovery.
The next moment, he was swallowed by a circle of people, leaving my mother and me standing off to one side, cut adrift by his sudden recovery.
Asked whether she had prophesied her wound by an arrow at Orleans, and her recovery, she said 'Yes.'
No one is more worried by their imminent recovery than the men themselves.
The Korinthians moved forward, gathering around the captain, mystified and amazed by his recovery.
In 1998 she broke her left hip in a fall, but astonished everyone by her rapid recovery.
The reduction of the number of auditors in this sensitive area by nearly half, and our recovery procedures should be more rapid and more forceful.
Fassel is worried about Hilliard's morale, and he talked with him Thursday and told him not to become frustrated by his slow recovery.