The estate's use as a year-round residence triggered a lawsuit in 1940 by Villate's heirs, alleging that it violated the terms of the will.
Many of the smaller or run down/ neglected properties are vacant and for sale - usually owned by senior citizens or their heirs.
The purchase of the land led to a twenty plus year long litigation by the landowner and his heirs to force the county to pay.
It cannot be appropriated by the crown or sold by the earl or his male heirs.
However the use of Riopelle's name for a neighbouring condominium/hotel project was, and still is, opposed by the artist's heirs.
Attempts to invalidate it by his would-be heirs were unsuccessful, and the bulk of Millar's fortune eventually went to four women.
One by one, the artists or their heirs said yes.
They were usually large tracts of land given to a person, a family, or a group of people by Penn or his heirs.
The parties agreed upon a repurchase, however, only by the duke or his heirs for themselves, but not as a middleperson for someone else.
Rouault found himself locked out by Vollard's heirs, having to sue to get back his own pictures, hundreds of which he still hadn't finished.