She had been grateful as well as impressed by his unexpectedly deft handling of the incidents.
Guillen has shown he is a manager, not just a motor mouth, by his handling of the bullpen.
The pilgrim's marks, though blurred by his handling of the stone, were still dear enough to be copied.
Senators from both parties felt stymied by the Administration's handling of the Bosnia mission and the recent crisis in the gulf.
Robyn repeated, shaken by his rough handling and sudden appearance.
A Justice Department official, who insisted on anonymity, said yesterday that prosecutors stood by their handling of the case.
As with all of Kahn's great buildings the entire space is animated by his masterly handling of light.
Semantically many statements differ from subroutine calls by their handling of parameters.
"They infringed on the liberty of that woman by their handling of the situation."
Also, she was aware of the way men treated women, as exemplified by her father's handling of her mother.