In the episode, Ron is forced to handle 94 meetings in a single day due to an error by his assistant, April.
Spock felt unjustly chastised by his young assistant.
In the anteroom, she accepted the chair indicated by Madame's assistant and composed herself to wait for Sara.
And not even by the man himself, but by his assistant!
Devolution, either from county or district, would mean more local information and reporting back to the relevant authorities by the parish clerk and her assistant.
This mask looked something like the one worn by the maskmaker's female assistant.
Spends most of his time asleep in a tall high chair on wheels, pushed around by his assistant, the Fly.
As said by her assistant, Fei can be sunny one day and stormy the next.
The first was Pirate Latitudes, found completed on his computer by his assistant after he died.
Given the proximity of the two sets of lights, they were all tended by the same keeper, with the other house occupied by his assistant.