Some university or college traditions enforce(d) rules by paddling offenders.
According to the report, the violence is mostly by offenders in the 15 to 39 age bracket.
This order gives protection to the intellectual property owner, Reliance Entertainment, from copyright violation by prospective anonymous offenders.
Suitable targets can be a person or object that are see by offenders as vulnerable or particularly attractive.
The Mayor is after all a political figure, and the police are always and everywhere unloved by suspected offenders and their mothers.
Cases that were presented before him ranged from robbery, assaults and extortion perpetrated by young offenders through to major murder trials involving gangs.
To the politicians of the 1970s, the notion of community service by offenders was an attractive one.
The idea of man as a calculating animal requires the view of crime as a product of a free choice by offenders.
And the number of aggravated assaults by youthful offenders rose 123 percent, from 51 in 1983 to 114 two years ago.
Furthermore, and especially, we will organise prevention by managing offenders on the basis of an individual diagnosis and a risk assessment for each offender.